
The Zero trust security model has a motto: “never trust, always verify”. As notices in the last post verification of x509 in a gRPC scenario without much libraries are dangerous, the lack of a good identification of the service can be a problem for authorization and authentication of the party trying to access a particular service. On this post lets continue the testing and validation of a few cloud native security technologies offered for Golang related to service identification.

SPIFFE (Secure Production Identity Framework For Everyone)

SPIFFE and SPIRE aim to strengthen the identification of software components ina a common way that can be leveraged across distributed systems by anyone, anywhere.

Environment growth and services dynamics can help to make the service identification a challenge, policy enforcement and lifecycle management of the PKI, services IDs and other traits become hard.

The key for this is a trustworthy identity that can in a solid and identifiable way represent a workload that claims for this identity. In this framework this identity is called SPIFFE ID, and as the format spiffe://<domain>/<workload>, other important part is the SPIFFE verifiable identity document (SVID). it supports both X509 and JWT, for the first the SPIFFEID will exist as a URI in the Subject Alternative Name (SAN) extension.


flowchart LR agent_1-->Server_API agent_2-->Server_API subgraph agent_1[Agent] workloadapi1 end workload1[Workload] --> workloadapi1[API] subgraph agent_2[Agent] workloadapi2 end workload2[Workload] --> workloadapi2[API] classDef ctrl fill:#1568ca,color:white,stroke-width:1px,stroke:#dbffff; classDef normal fill:#007cff,color:white,stroke-width:1px,stroke:#dbfff; classDef cluster fill:#fff,stroke:#bbb,stroke-width:2px,color:#326ce5; class agent_1,agent_2 normal; class Server_API normal; class workload1,workload2 normal; class workloadapi1,workloadapi2 ctrl;

Server API manages and issues identities in a SPIFFE trust domain, hold information about its agents and workloads. Uses registration entites for Agents and Workloads

Workload API, provides the following

  • Its identity, described as a SPIFFE ID.
  • A private key tied to that ID that can be used to sign data on behalf of the workload.
  • A corresponding short-lived X.509 certificate is also created, the X509-SVID. This can be used to establish TLS or otherwise authenticate to other workloads.
  • A set of certificates – known as a trust bundle – that a workload can use to verify an X.509-SVID presented by another workload

Agents runs on each node, they request SVID from the server and cache until workload requests its SVID, exposing the SPIFFE workload API to workloads on a node and attests the identity of the workload. And finally they provide identified workload with their SVIDs.

In the official docs the following sequece exists for the lifecycle of the SVID:

sequenceDiagram participant Workload participant Agent participant Server participant Cloud Agent->>Server: Performs node attestation (via TLS) Server->>Cloud: Node resolution to verify additional properties Cloud-->>Server: ACK Server->>Agent: Issues an SVID. Agent-->>Server: Obtain the registration entries it is authorized for. Agent->>Agent: Completes mTLS handshake and auth the server with bundle Agent->>Server: Agent sends the workload CSR activate Server Server-->>Agent: Returns the workload SVID to the client deactivate Server Workload->>Agent: Request a SVID activate Agent Agent-->>Workload: Returns the SVID (JWT/X509) deactivate Agent


All the code exists on Tutorial SPIFEE. If you are interested in installing Kind and giving a try in the specs the requirement is installing the the server, agent pods first.

For this example it was created 2 ServiceAccounts, one for the client and other for the server, this will allow us to create a different SPIFFE ID for each in the format spiffe://opssec.in/ns/spire/sa/default/client||server

The codebase for the client is similar to the normal mTLS, the difference here is the transport credentials now receive a ACL for Server SPIFFE ID authorization, the allowID must have the correct SPIFFEID otherwise some odd TLS error like tls: bad certificate can happen.

source, err := workloadapi.NewX509Source(ctx, workloadapi.WithClientOptions(workloadapi.WithAddr(*sockPath)))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to create X509Source: %w", err)
defer source.Close()

serverID := spiffeid.RequireFromString(*allowID)

// Dial the server with credentials that do mTLS and verify that presented certificate has SPIFFE ID
conn, err := grpc.DialContext(ctx, *host, grpc.WithTransportCredentials(
    grpccredentials.MTLSClientCredentials(source, source, tlsconfig.AuthorizeID(serverID)),
if err != nil {
    return fmt.Errorf("failed to dial: %w", err)

For the server the same mTLS authorization ACL is required, now with the client credentials.

source, err := workloadapi.NewX509Source(ctx, workloadapi.WithClientOptions(workloadapi.WithAddr(*sockPath)))
if err != nil {
    return fmt.Errorf("unable to create X509Source: %w", err)
defer source.Close()

clientID := spiffeid.RequireFromString(*allowID)

// Create a server with credentials that do mTLS and verify that the presented certificate has SPIFFE ID
s := grpc.NewServer(grpc.Creds(
    grpccredentials.MTLSServerCredentials(source, source, tlsconfig.AuthorizeID(clientID)),

The first workloadapi connection do the workload attestation using as a selector the serviceaccount created for each service. For this we need to ensure a registration entry is created in the API server, for each service account used and the node.

kubectl exec -n spire spire-server-0 -- \
    /opt/spire/bin/spire-server entry create \
    -spiffeID spiffe://opssec.in/ns/default/sa/client||server \
	-parentID spiffe://opssec.in/ns/spire/sa/spire-agent \
	-selector k8s:ns:default \
	-selector k8s:sa:client||server



Things start to get more interesting when complex implementation and integration of the technologies happen, This is an example of the Envoy+OPA application the tutorial shows how to configure Envoy SDS (Secret Discovery Service) for automatic retrieve of these secrets TLS certificated, trusted CA etcs, the SPIRE agent can be configured as an SDS provider for Envoy, allowing it to directly provide Envoy with the key material it needs to provide TLS auth. Having this layer decoupled of the codebase is a good first steps on the separation of concerns and well defined boundaries when developing microservices in the cloud.