Kube-proxy Winuserspace Mode


This post will introduce and detail the windows userspace mode on kube-proxy, the code walkthrough provided here has the goal to clarify the event based architecture of kube-proxy, and bring attention to how this component watches and reacts for events happening on Services and Endpoints API objects. This component goal is to proxy and load-balance the traffic to a binded IP/PORT pair across different backend services. Read more about Kube-Proxy in the official docs [1].

Windows Isolation Modes

Windows offer two distinct modes of runtime isolation: processes and hyper-v. We are using process since Kubernetes currently does not support running Windows containers with Hyper-V isolation. [2]

According [3], this is the default isolation mode provided for containers on Windows and the architecture of process isolation is similar to what you have when running containers on Linux os. All containers use the same shared kernel. The process isolation providers a lightweight runtime for containers (compared to hyper-v isolation) and offers a great density of deployment, better performance and lower spin-up time.

The setup is using the sig-windows-dev-tools with the Antrea CNI on 1.3.0

Kube-proxy and Networking model

In short, networking in Kubernetes has the following challenges to overcome:

  • Intra-Pod communication between containers: Handled by standard localhost communication.
  • Pod-to-Pod communication: Handled by underlying network implementation. 
  • Pod-to-Service and External-to-Service communication: Handled by Service API objects, communication is dependent on the underlying network implementation. We will cover this later in this section.
  • Automation of networking setup by kubelet when a new Pod is created: Handled by Container Network Interface (CNI) plugins. We will cover this in the next section.

Kube-proxy handles the pod and external to service requests part.

Kube-Proxy Windows Modes

For Windows, two modes are supported, winuserspace, used by CNIs like Antrea, and deprecated, since it’s the most simple, this will be the initial one and will give the not familiar reader a better overview of the kube-proxy model.

The second mode is the Windows kernel mode, used by Project Calico, this is more complex, and uses the Golang SHIM for HCN (Host Compute Network) service API, and is the recommended mode for Windows. This indeed is the coolest part and it’s coming next, stay tuned.

Kubernetes and Kube-proxy


This initial workflow introduces the initial path of Event handler registering and Service/Endpoint listeners and watchers, the black box shows the binary called. The initial cli.Run is the beginning of spf13/cobra command integration with Kube-proxy, the function NewProxyCommand returns the base cobra.Command and the Options object is used to:

  1. Complete() - Load the configuration from the file if it exists and set all default parameters.
  2. Validate() - Validate the field values based on pre-defined API logic.
  3. Run() - Real deal.

Initially the NewProxyServer call returns a proxyServer object based in the operating system and parameters passed via args, this will allow the user get the correct mode settings, for Linux, userspace, ipvs and iptables are available. For Windows as already said, it exists userspace and kernelspace.

This is set at compilation time using the _windows prefix compiling our files selected for this OS. The core and central object here is the proxyServer.proxier one, it is fetch as an instance from winuserspace.Proxier and filtered on server_windows.go:winuserspace.NewProxier(...), in our case.

This main loop on runLoop only run the ProxyServer.Run() in a goroutine and listen for an errorChannel to finalize the infinite loop of the main goroutine.

This bootstrap process is similar to all different services and operating systems. And the ProxyServer run do a few interesting things:

  • Starts the oomAdjuster
  • serveHealthz and serveMetrics
  • conntracker (nil for windows)
  • Create configs (watchers for services and endpoints/endpointslices)

This is a very important part, since at this point we are going to start the register of the internal proxies service/endpoint handling functions to Kubernetes objects events. More details in the next section.

	serviceConfig := config.NewServiceConfig(informerFactory.Core().V1().Services(), s.ConfigSyncPeriod)
	go serviceConfig.Run(wait.NeverStop)

	if endpointsHandler, ok := s.Proxier.(config.EndpointsHandler); ok && !s.UseEndpointSlices {
		endpointsConfig := config.NewEndpointsConfig(informerFactory.Core().V1().Endpoints(), s.ConfigSyncPeriod)
		go endpointsConfig.Run(wait.NeverStop)

Finally, it starts the SyncLoop of the Proxier in the end of the function:

	go s.Proxier.SyncLoop()

The SyncLoop method, it’s normally heavily used on other modes, but winuserspace, it’s only used to clean stale affinity sessions, the ones not used by the TTL setting.

	if int(time.Since(affinity.lastUsed).Seconds()) >= state.affinity.ttlSeconds {

Services and Endpoints informers

To understand what the functionality is being implemented here. This was extracted from the official docs [4]:

In this (legacy) mode, kube-proxy watches the Kubernetes control plane for the addition and removal of Service and Endpoint objects. For each Service it opens a port (randomly chosen) on the local node. Any connections to this “proxy port” are proxied to one of the Service’s backend Pods (as reported via Endpoints). kube-proxy takes the SessionAffinity setting of the Service into account when deciding which backend Pod to use.

Lastly, the user-space proxy installs iptables rules which capture traffic to the Service’s clusterIP (which is virtual) and port. The rules redirect that traffic to the proxy port which proxies the backend Pod. For Windows the netns tool is used instead of iptables.

By default, kube-proxy in userspace mode chooses a backend via a round-robin algorithm.


Starting the fun. From the green boxes, we can see the proxier is registered on both serviceConfig and endpointsConfig, providing an informer on Add, Update, Delete for both objects. The further connection starts on the pink boxes with On*Add/Update/Delete.


The more important methods here are the mergeService and unmergeService, basically they are responsible to start and remove the listeners and bind/forward the connections to the backends in a round-robin fashion.

// OnServiceAdd is called whenever creation of new service object
// is observed.
func (proxier *Proxier) OnServiceAdd(service *v1.Service) {
	_ = proxier.mergeService(service)

// OnServiceUpdate is called whenever modification of an existing
// service object is observed.
func (proxier *Proxier) OnServiceUpdate(oldService, service *v1.Service) {
	existingPortPortals := proxier.mergeService(service)
	proxier.unmergeService(oldService, existingPortPortals)

// OnServiceDelete is called whenever deletion of an existing service
// object is observed.
func (proxier *Proxier) OnServiceDelete(service *v1.Service) {
	proxier.unmergeService(service, map[ServicePortPortalName]bool{})

The concept here is the ServicePortPortalName, when a new service is added the proxier.addServicePortPortal is called, starting the listener for the new service using the netsh tools:

	args := proxier.netshIPv4AddressAddArgs(serviceIP)
	if existed, err := proxier.netsh.EnsureIPAddress(args, serviceIP); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	} else if !existed {
		klog.V(3).InfoS("Added ip address to fowarder interface for service", "servicePortPortalName", servicePortPortalName.String(), "addr", net.JoinHostPort(listenIP, strconv.Itoa(port)), "protocol", protocol)

A new ProxySocket listens the proto/port and waits in a ProxyLoop, the tcp.Accept() blocks until an incoming connections comes, the tryConnect finds the loadbalancer.NextEndpoint available in the round-robin and bumps the index for the next in the list, this method is still reponsible to handle the affinity logic if this is set. a net.DialTimeout is executed in the endpoint returning the connection object. In the final step, bytes are copied across both connections.

go proxyTCP(inConn.(*net.TCPConn), outConn.(*net.TCPConn))

UnmergeServices does the opposite and calls closeServicePortPortal, stopping the connections and cleaning up the interfaces with netsh commands.


There’s no Endpointslices for this mode, so the logic is kind of simple here An internal list of endpoints/services are kept on Kube-proxy, they are used when a service connection is made, and merged on changes in the endpoint slice. A balancerState struct is kept internally for each service.

// LoadBalancerRR is a round-robin load balancer.
type LoadBalancerRR struct {
	lock     sync.RWMutex
	services map[proxy.ServicePortName]*balancerState
type balancerState struct {
	endpoints []string // a list of "ip:port" style strings
	index     int      // current index into endpoints
	affinity  affinityPolicy

Adding a new endpoint updates the internal affinity mapping and saves the new endpoints in the correct balancer states, shuffling the list of endpoints and resetting the index, for update the logic is similar and guarantee the merge.

	state.endpoints = util.ShuffleStrings(newEndpoints)
	state.index = 0

To delete this list of endpoints the service balancer endpoints list is emptied.


These two flows allow Kube-Proxy on Windows to work and thus live up to it’s proxy terminology. More advanced, reliable and faster techniques are implemented outside the userland, so when using this keep in mind the userspace are deprecated and their use still happens in very specific occasions.


[1] https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/components/#kube-proxy

[2] https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/virtualization/windowscontainers/manage-containers/hyperv-container

[3] https://www.amazon.com/Hands-Kubernetes-Windows-Effectively-orchestrate-ebook/dp/B08576JXTW/

[4] https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#proxy-mode-userspace